Customer Testimonials

Customer Comment"...The whole process has been a great experience for me and our staff here at Vision Global due to the attitudes and friendliness of the Prodigix staff. Their willingness to help us with any and all requests has been stellar. Any request that was feasible was accomplished in a most timely manner and the requests that were unable to be fulfilled, because of our misunderstanding of the Prodigix product as it related to Vision Global, have been explained thoroughly and with great patience at times as they helped me understand and become more familiar with the product. I have personally been involved with several major and complex programming requests and can honestly state that without the help I received from Prodigix we would have ended up months behind in some of these projects. The last 7 months have been a breath of fresh air compared to other experiences I have had with website support and programmers over the last several years!"

Dave DeCorso
Vision Global

Customer Comment"Our experience with Prodigix has been very satisfying. One of the most difficult things to find today in the world of technology is integrity. Not only does Prodigix have some great products, but their honest and sincere effort to provide the highest quality service is a rarity in this day and age. Perhaps more important even than the quality of the product which they produce, which is excellent, they don't forget about you afterwards. They have been with us every step of the way so far, and we have been very grateful to have them as one of our major technology suppliers..."

William J. Vincent II
Vice President of OurGV Inc

Customer Comment"After being in the network marketing industry for 30 years, I fully understand the importance your back office is to running your business. Whether it is commissions, tracking representatives, resolving issues, I have found the fine people of Prodigix have blown me away with their responsive and knowledgeable staff. The best part is, they enjoy what they do and that attitude shines through to the client. I highly recommend them, especially if you are a start up company."

Fred Weih
CEO, My Freedom Grocer


Customer Comment"In an industry that moves lightening fast, we needed a provider that could respond to us on a customer care level just as fast. Prodigix has been that company. I've been impressed with their response time with regards to our questions and needs. We're doubling our distributor base every month and have needed a software provider that can respond to that growth. Thank you Prodigix."

Andrew Rineart
Pur3x Designer Beverage Club

Customer Comment"...I just wanted to say thank you for looking after our needs over the four years our two companies worked together. Whenever we had a problem and it was not that often, [Prodigix] or one of your people were always reachable and you dealt with our issue in a very prompt and professional manner. Unfortunately, in this day and age, that kind of customer service is a very rare commodity and thus, hard to find...I am very impressed that we were able to work within that environment for as long as we did, which is the other thing I wanted to thank you for. The willingness to adapt to our needs whenever you could and not compromise your MLM clients..."

David Harding
President Blue Mountain Springs Wellness

Customer Comment"Website Traffic Makers has been working with Prodigix since August 2010. We have had a great experience working with the highly experienced and courteous staff. With Internet marketing changing so rapidly it is imperative that we have someone quickly respond to our changes and Prodigix goes above and beyond to make sure that our needs are addressed. Also, the office automation and distributor center are a cinch! The first class staff of Prodigix has been a great asset to Website Traffic Makers and we are privileged to have established a great relationship. Thanks Prodigix, we will definitely be a part of your future!"

Jimmy Peters
Website Traffic Makers

Customer Comment"Prodigix Software is online, real time with an e-commerce module and it is extremely quick. We have less than 50,000 customers and the system could accommodate a million...In the past, I have worked with different software vendors and usually it is like pulling teeth. Even though they may not get it done the next day, Prodigix gets the work done fast.”

Peter Z.
CTO Water Oz

Customer Comment"Prodigix’ software is the most reasonably priced program on the market. They back it up and take care of it, which is for me fantastic. I would rate Prodigix at 98 out of 100, very happy.”

Greg Thompson
CTO Trend Health

Customer Comment"In direct marketing people look for stability in leadership, systems, products, and distribution. The operating system is at the core of most activities. We have found Prodigix provided the systems, security, and leadership we were looking for. We have confidence in their professionalism and unending service. As we have become acquainted with their operations we are very impressed with their progressive thinking.”

E. Wesley Huff
SureFire Health, V.P. Operations

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